
what are the causes of bloom syndrome, life expectancy for bloom syndrome, Is bloom syndrome treated

 Bloom syndrome! Bloom syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by severe pre and postnatal growth deficiency. It is caused by a mutation in both alleles of the gene designated BLM, traced to the band.  Bloom syndrome How is Bloom syndrome treated? There is no cure for Bloom syndrome , children with Bloom syndrome need nutritional monitoring to ensure maximum growth. People with the disease are advised to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen to prevent skin lesions. People with Bloom syndrome are prone to cancer, so they should be screened regularly.  Life expectancy for Bloom syndrome? Despite dealing with numerous medical problems, Life expectancy people with Bloom syndrome can lead productive lives. Tipically people with Bloom syndrome lead shortened lives. Symptoms and signs - small size and appearance -Skin lesions in the shape of a butterfly  on the nose and face -Feeding issues -Immunodeficiency. Risk for cancer -Wilms' tumor -Leukemia -Colo

Sex during pregnancy, Healthy Pregnancy, Safe sex during pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy according to medical knowledge In most cases, sex during a healthy pregnancy is considered safe and can even be enjoyable for both partners. It's generally believed that as long as there are no complications or medical concerns, sexual activity can continue throughout pregnancy . However, every pregnancy is unique, and it's essential to communicate openly with your partner and healthcare provider about any concerns or discomfort you may experience. Sex during pregnancy Here are a few things to keep in mind: Communication: Talk openly with your partner about your desires, concerns, and any physical or emotional changes you may be experiencing. Good communication is key to ensuring both partners feel comfortable and supported. Safety: While sex during pregnancy is generally safe, it's crucial to avoid any activities that could cause harm or discomfort. Gentle, slow movements are recommended to minimize the risk of injury

5 ways to lose weight without dieting, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight naturally, tips to help you lose weight, weight lose by healthy homemade ingredients

  Benefits of maintaining a healthy weight: Physical fitness : Maintain total body mass by loss of fat, and fluid. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease : Obese patients have more risk for cardiovascular diseases, like MI, CAD, and high BP (hypertension). BMI range: A BMI range of less than 25 is good for your health. 💚 BMI 25-28 (overweight)💛 BMI 28-35 (Obese)💓 BMI more than 35 (morbidly  obese) 💔   5 ways to lose weight without dieting: 1-      Take a protein diet : A protein diet help to reduce fat. Best protein source, Meat without fat eg, (white meat, chicken, salmon fish), beans, soy, eggs nuts, and seeds 2-      Cutting carbs : Minimize refined carbohydrates in your diet like bread, rice, pasta, and candy may help to maintain your BMI 3-      Proper sleep : Take proper sleep also play an important role in weight 4-      Eat plenty of fruit: Add fruit to your diet that has a low card and high fiber like banana, papaya, guava, orange ETC. 5-     

Sperm count increase food, how to increase sperm count, sperm count increase dry fruit, boost male fertility

 5 ways to increase your sperm count. What is Sperm: Sperm is a thread-like structure, that carries a man's DNA. Sperm are created in testes. Our best 5 ways to increase your sperm count.  1. Vegetables:  Broccoli: Broccoli has folic acid (vitamin B9). It protects  the sperm and increases  sperm  count. Bananas:  Bananas is full of vitamin which help to protect sperm. Spinach: Spinach and green vegetable have folic acid,   which protects the sperm and increases sperm count. 2. Processed meats: Trans fats: Trans-fat increase your sperm count but also increased your heart problems. Dairy products: Milk, butter, and cheese also increase your sperm count  3. Dry fruits:   Walnuts: Walnuts contains omega fatty acid and high-quality vitamin which help increase your sperm count.   Dates and Raisins:   Dates are full fil with iron and raisins have a tendency to maintain your stomach, which helps to maintain your sperm count. 4. Ayurvedic herbs: Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha also known as Withan

Home Remedies for Diabetic Patient, best home remedies for diabetes, remedies to control diabetic symptoms in adult, Foods that cure diabetes naturally

5 Home-based remedies to control diabetes symptoms. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that refers to high sugar in the blood.  We can use 5 home base remedies to control diabetic symptoms.  1.  Karela: Karela also known as bitter gourd, contains Momordica charantia which helps to maintain blood glucose levels.  2. Mango leaves: Mango leaves also known as Mangifera indica, contain flavonoids, mineral content, and phytochemicals. Mango leaves also have calcium, phosphorous, and proteins which help to maintain your blood glucose. 3. Amla: Amla also known as Emblica Officinalis, contains Vitamin C, ellagic acid, gallic acid, and mineral which help to improve immunity and makes the body more responsive to insulin. 4. Kalonji: Kalonji also known as nigella Sativa and black cumin, is beneficial for glycemic control.  5. Cinnamon: Cinnamon also known as daalchini, Cinamon is used in various conditions such as antiviral, and anti-inflammatory, and also used to control diabetes

Home Remedies for Healthy Heart

 5 Home-Based Remedies for a Healthy Heart. 1. Garlic: Also known as Allium sativum, Garlic contains Allicin and Disulfide which have a tendency to reduce cholesterol levels in your blood. 2.  Almond: Almonds are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber which help to maintain your blood pressure. 3. Flaxseed: Flaxseed is rich in alpha-linolenic fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids which help to control your triglyceride and low-density lipids levels. 4. Healthy vegetables: Add healthy fiber-rich vegetables to your diet such as Broccoli, Carrots, Radishes, Brussels sprouts, etc. 5. Arjuna bark and Digitalis : Arjuna bark is also known as heart tonic used as a cardioprotective herb. Digitalis is also used in many heart conditions. 

Healthy heart, how to prevent heart attack, Prevent Myocardial infraction

5 ways to prevent heart attack What is heart Attach? Blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart are blocked or cut due to a calcium and cholesterol mixture deposition in the artery (Plaque). Also known as myocardial infarction. 1. Reduced cholesterol:  Reduced cholesterol in your diet or use fat-free diets. Increased fiber in your diet. 2. Reduced salt in your diet: Decrease the salt in your diet or maintain your blood pressure. Blood pressure plays an important role in heart attacks. 3. Regular exercise: Add exercise to your lifestyle and maintain your blood flow level.  4. Reduced stress: Stress plays an important role in your life so reduced your stress level.  live a stress-free life.  5. Regular checkup: Regular contact with your health care provider for checking blood pressure and other heart abnormalities.