Home Remedies for Healthy Heart

 5 Home-Based Remedies for a Healthy Heart.

Home Remedies for Healthy Heart

1. Garlic:

Also known as Allium sativum, Garlic contains Allicin and Disulfide which have a tendency to reduce cholesterol levels in your blood.

2.  Almond:

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber which help to maintain your blood pressure.

3. Flaxseed:

Flaxseed is rich in alpha-linolenic fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids which help to control your triglyceride and low-density lipids levels.

4. Healthy vegetables:

Add healthy fiber-rich vegetables to your diet such as Broccoli, Carrots, Radishes, Brussels sprouts, etc.

5. Arjuna bark and Digitalis :

Arjuna bark is also known as heart tonic used as a cardioprotective herb. Digitalis is also used in many heart conditions. 


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