5 ways to lose weight without dieting, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight naturally, tips to help you lose weight, weight lose by healthy homemade ingredients


Benefits of maintaining a healthy weight:

Physical fitness: Maintain total body mass by loss of fat, and fluid.

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: Obese patients have more risk for cardiovascular diseases, like MI, CAD, and high BP (hypertension).

5 ways to lose weight without dieting, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight naturally, tips to help you lose weight, weight lose by healthy homemade ingredients

BMI range:

A BMI range of less than 25 is good for your health. 💚

BMI 25-28 (overweight)💛

BMI 28-35 (Obese)💓

BMI more than 35 (morbidly obese) 💔


5 ways to lose weight without dieting:

1-     Take a protein diet: A protein diet help to reduce fat. Best protein source, Meat without fat eg, (white meat, chicken, salmon fish), beans, soy, eggs nuts, and seeds

2-     Cutting carbs: Minimize refined carbohydrates in your diet like bread, rice, pasta, and candy may help to maintain your BMI

3-     Proper sleep: Take proper sleep also play an important role in weight

4-     Eat plenty of fruit: Add fruit to your diet that has a low card and high fiber like banana, papaya, guava, orange ETC.

5-     More fibers in diet: Adding fiber to your diet, can improve your bowel movement or maintain your fat levels.

how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight naturally, tips to help you lose weight, weight lose by healthy homemade ingredients

Few examples of healthy homemade (natural) ingredients for weight loss:

1-     Lemon and honey: Honey with lemon also known as a fat cutter, plays an important role to reduce your fat

2-     Cinnamon water: Cinnamon water also use to cut your extra body fat and maintain your BMI.

3-     Chia seed: Chia seeds had a high amount of fiber which can help you to maintain your body fat

4-     Green tea or caffeine: Green tea has a high amount of antioxidants used to reduce body fat.

Few examples of healthy diets plan:

1-     Low carb diet

2-     Intermittent diet

3-     Ketogenic diet

4-     DASH diet

5-     Physical activity

       Home-based exercises to lose weight:

1-     Cardio exercise

2-     Yoga

3-     Squats

4-     Plank

5-     Aerobics

6-     Push-ups


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