Home Remedies for Diabetic Patient, best home remedies for diabetes, remedies to control diabetic symptoms in adult, Foods that cure diabetes naturally

5 Home-based remedies to control diabetes symptoms.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that refers to high sugar in the blood.  We can use 5 home base remedies to control diabetic symptoms. 
Home Remedies for Diabetic Patient, best home remedies for diabetes,

1.  Karela:

Karela also known as bitter gourd, contains Momordica charantia which helps to maintain blood glucose levels. 

2. Mango leaves:

Mango leaves also known as Mangifera indica, contain flavonoids, mineral content, and phytochemicals. Mango leaves also have calcium, phosphorous, and proteins which help to maintain your blood glucose.

3. Amla:

Amla also known as Emblica Officinalis, contains Vitamin C, ellagic acid, gallic acid, and mineral which help to improve immunity and makes the body more responsive to insulin.

4. Kalonji:

Kalonji also known as nigella Sativa and black cumin, is beneficial for glycemic control. 

5. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon also known as daalchini, Cinamon is used in various conditions such as antiviral, and anti-inflammatory, and also used to control diabetes symptoms.


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