what are the causes of bloom syndrome, life expectancy for bloom syndrome, Is bloom syndrome treated

 Bloom syndrome!

Bloom syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by severe pre and postnatal growth deficiency. It is caused by a mutation in both alleles of the gene designated BLM, traced to the band. 

Bloom syndrome
Bloom syndrome

How is Bloom syndrome treated?

There is no cure for Bloom syndrome, children with Bloom syndrome need nutritional monitoring to ensure maximum growth. People with the disease are advised to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen to prevent skin lesions. People with Bloom syndrome are prone to cancer, so they should be screened regularly. 

Life expectancy for Bloom syndrome?

Despite dealing with numerous medical problems, Life expectancy people with Bloom syndrome can lead productive lives. Tipically people with Bloom syndrome lead shortened lives.

Symptoms and signs

- small size and appearance

-Skin lesions in the shape of a butterfly  on the nose and face

-Feeding issues


Risk for cancer

-Wilms' tumor


-Colorectal cancer


Other name for Bloom syndrome

Bloom-torre-machacek syndrome.

Congenital telangiectatic erythema.



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